April 10, 2012 **** ** ** Brian Kinser opened the meeting at 7:05. When we had the actual amount of residence and proxies to start.**** ** ** Brian Kinser introduced the board members and HOA Management, Lionheart**** ** ** B. Kinser read over the 2011 Highlights.**** ** ** Bryan Brown read over the 2012 planned projects and activities:**** ** ** Shade over the baby pool-completed**** New pool furniture-completed **** Security light at the play ground-completed**** Culvert erosion project in greenbelt-example look like the Legends Neighborhood**** ** ** Bryan Brown opens it up to Q&A:**** ** ** *What is the approximate amount in the reserve (account)? We try to keep it around $18,000-$20,000 for things that come up for ex. pool furniture, umbrellas (went through about 8 last year), lighting when things are broke, pool pumps, etc.**** ** ** *Do you see lifeguards ever? We have looked into it and actually did get a bid... similar neighborhoods cost $28,000 and one in Broken Arrow cost is $30,000. The Broken Arrow would be closer to what we would compare to us, because their hours are closer to ours. We would have to raise dues for the next 3 years to have the money in the budget for life guards and to have extra in the reserve. Dues have never been raised, but everything has gone up and not having life guards have allowed us to spend money on things to upgrade our neighborhood.**** ** ** *Could we have signs made to be posted at the pool... NO RUNNING!!? Yes, we will have them made. Great idea!**** ** ** Bryan Brown and Brian Kinser announced that Mark Pisarra is stepping down and if anybody would like to take the position? Debbie King volunteered.**** ** ** Special thank you to Jeff and Debbie King for always pitching in and helping. Special thank you to Joe Wade for the up keep with the web-site. Special thank you for Michele Minton for putting the Facebook Twin Creeks Sell and Trade page together. Also a big thank you to Brian Frere for the cookies and water.**** ** ** Meeting adjourned at 8:00**** ** **